WhatsApp Groups

Madison Comets Soar WhatsApp Community

Mission Statement and Code of Conduct


The Madison Comets Soar WhatsApp (MCSWA) Community’s mission is to provide an on-line, message-based social support system for Madison Elementary’s families and caregivers. Here you will find social support in the form of:

·      Physical or practical assistance

o   Example: “I’m stuck in traffic! Can someone wait with Tommy?” or “If someone is going to Costco today, can you let me know if they have toilet paper?”

·      Resource and information sharing

o   Example: “How do you sign up for Parent-Teacher conferences? I can’t find that email,” or, “I need a new pediatrician. Any recommendations?”

·      Emotional and physiological assistance

o   Example: “I’m having a rough day and just needed to tell someone,” or “Self-care ideas needed!”

You’ll also receive reminders for school and school-affiliated (PTA, RBEF, BCHD) events and information, and short-notice opportunities for volunteers.


By joining the MCSWA group you agree to adhere to our Code of Conduct as follows and participate at your own risk:

Participants in the MCSWA group agree to participate in the school community in a positive, productive and supportive manner. Individual concerns should be directed to your child’s teacher or Dr. Cash privately. Kindness and respect can go a long way.

Assume that group members have good intentions when participating in this forum. If something in the group upsets you, take a moment, or several, to think about what the other participant’s intentions might be before you respond. Be mindful of your words, actions and treatment of others and consider the impact of your words, actions, and reactions rather than your own intent behind them.

Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct by any group member will not be tolerated and will result in expulsion from the group.

Comply with all applicable laws.

Madison 2023-24 Volunteers WhatsApp Group Mission

The Madison 2022-23 Volunteers WhatsApp Group's purpose is to provide an open-to-everyone forum for ad hoc volunteering opportunities at Madison Elementary, such as Book Fair or special events, as well as information and updates about our year-long volunteering jobs such as Room Parents, Yearbook, Hands on Art and LiveWell Kids.

At this time , volunteering on campus is limited to program docents (Lego Robotics, Hands on Art and LiveWell Kids) who have been screened following RBUSD's Volunteer Protocols.

Volunteer Protocols

Please print out RBUSD's Volunteer Handbook at https://4.files.edl.io/e392/09/14/21/163727-a5b22ab9-ec03-4e20-b13f-769947c39be1.pdf. You'll need to fill out 3 forms at the back of the handbook that will need to be turned into Madison's Admin Assistant, Jessica, before you can begin volunteering on campus. If you are unable to print at home please let me or your program lead know and we'll provide you with a print-out. 

On-campus Volunteers are limited to core programming (i.e. LiveWell Kids, Hands On Art and Lego Robotics) and PTA only. 


All volunteers on campus are subject to the same COVID requirements as staff members:


Volunteers must also be PTA members in good standing.